Canadian Live Music is a Powerful Economic and Cultural Partner


#CanadaIsLiveMusic is a simple, clear statement amplifying live music’s intrinsic relationship with Canada and Canadian (as well as International) fans. It underscores our unique ability to create significant economic impact, while bringing people and communities together through music made by our incredible artists.

This new public awareness campaign is being framed by the economic data found in the recently released “Hear and Now” study, and is a call to action for industry, fans, and governments to consider more deeply leveraging the power and potential of live music activity in the face of change and new opportunity.

Goals of Campaign:

  • Position Canada’s live music industry as a strong, resilient, reliable, economic partner;

  • Create more awareness of Canadian live music events;

  • Encourage fans to support more Canadian artists and musicians;

  • Promote Canadian live music companies and organizations;

  • Encourage more music tourism by incentivizing tourists to choose Canada (or for Canadians, to stay in Canada) for the best live music in the world;

  • Reinforce the number of Canadian jobs created, and Canadian goods and services involved, as a result of live music activity;

  • Reinforce the direct and indirect cross-sectoral economic impacts live music activity creates.

Calls to Action:

  1. Protect existing venues as the lifeline of the industry.

  2. Support risk-taking among venues & promoters with strategic initiatives.

  3. Engage the private sector through sponsorships, partnerships, and collaborations.

  4. Address and assess systemic barriers faced by IBPOC individuals and members of the 2SLGBTQ+ community.

  5. Attract, nurture, and retain talent in Canada’s live music industry.

  6. Improve fair compensation and working conditions to attract and retain talent across the industry.

  7. Foster national connection and collaboration to tackle industry-wide challenges.

  8. Encourage innovative business models, including new revenue strategies and more robust contingency planning.

  9. Integrate live music more deeply into Canada’s tourism initiatives, capitalizing on its potential to drive tourism and cultural engagement. 


Use the hashtag and let's get live music working for Canada, because #CanadaIsLiveMusic.