Noise By-laws Consultation (City of Toronto)

The City of Toronto’s Municipal Licensing & Standards (MLS) division has been holding public consultations as part of its noise bylaw reviewThis is an important opportunity for the voice of live music to be heard.

The consultation on “Amplified Sound” was held on January 30.   This session provided an opportunity to express thoughts on what Toronto’s future noise bylaw should look like. The feedback will be used to recommend updates to the bylaw in a report going to City Council in spring of 2019.

If you were unable to attend the consultation in person, you can email your thoughts on the noise bylaw review to by February 28, 2019. 


Feb 28th is the deadline for written submissions.  Written submissions (about 1-2 pages) should be focused on providing solutions.

Tell them your company name, who you are and what you do so your letter is weighed accordingly. 

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